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Dick Richardson

You probably don't know much about Dick Richardson, who passed away last week. He is the guy who built Musser into a major company.  Dick bought the Musser Company from Claire Musser back in the 50s sometime, when the company typically was selling about 50 vibraphones each year.  

Blind Jazz Musicians

As some of you know, I work in an association for blind peole. Our neighbour is a school for blind teenagers where I sometimes go to attend "lunch break gigs". So I was really happy when Steve and Gary started talking about blind mallet players!

One of our former Secretary General wrote a book on blind musicians in history. I had a look at it, found no vibist, but the following names in the "Jazz" chapter:

- Jefferson "Blind Lemon": guitar / vocals (blues)
- Terry Saunders Teddell "Sonny": harmonica / vocals (blues)

Mozart to Coltrane's Giant Steps Part 4


Academic but still might be interesting to anyone studying Giant Steps.

Doc Chittum is a very loved faculty member at Uarts. He does a lecture each year where he ties Giant Steps all the way back to Mozart. The lecture is pretty amazing. This is a 4 part excerpt from the lecture. In the lecture he hands out music and shows this lineage that's really incredible!