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This is amazing and I actually got a little choked up to come online and 8 other mini concerts! It's a chance for us to perform and us to listen. Mini concerts are when you play 2 or more pieces with out stopping.

So with this mini concert you can sit and listen to about a concerts worth of vibe players performing. It's incredible to me and such a statement of dedication. Preparing for this is as challenging as preparing to play a few tunes on an actual concert. As far as work, there's not much difference.

Why don't you performers talk about this if you can. And let's inspire others so next time there's 20 of you.

I'm setting all this back end stuff up and then I want to listen to everyone.

Here are all the performances right here:

And Below is Barryk's performance, it's audio only but great!


What instruments does this pertain to?

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