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New Etude for Vibraphone

This is a newly published etude for Vibraphone by Joke van Dal-Kleijne.

It was very challenging, so it may be a good piece for more advanced players here on the site to work on.  It took me about four months to be able to get through a clean pass recording it.  I'm sure some of you can put it together quicker than that, but it's a challenge, no doubt... as a good etude should be.  You'll learn a lot about mallet positioning and sticking choices.  I did and I've been at this 45+ years.  :)

Can You Do This? Modes Exercise

You should be able to do this. 

Watch great players and if they do something you can't do, like a warm up or they're standing in the corner with there sax and they play something. You should be able to do it. If they say well I did this when I was young, then you should be able to do it also. Don't worry about why, just do it. The why will come later.