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Geat jazz tunes and originals

Forum Topic: Classical Vibes Repertoire Suggestions?

Hello fellow vibists,

I hope I posted this in the right section! I am looking for some suggestions of classical pieces for vibes. I play mostly jazz, but while I was in college I played classical marimba, for example Keiko Abe pieces. (Ah, I miss having access to a marimba!) Anyway, I am looking to broaden my vibes repertoire with a variety of modern classical pieces.

I appreciate any suggestions you have, thanks!


Forum Topic: Béatrice by James Whiting

Hi Guys,

Decided to do a quick recording of this really nice tune I found last week, I know its a little bit sketchy - but I guess leaves more room for comment. Thoughts, comments, feedback would be greatly appreciated. Apologies for this not being a video.

For those who know compositions of sam rivers they are often "out" so this is a nice little "in" tune with a short form, nice harmony and modal interchange.



Forum Topic: my vibe solo, Wind, composed by David Friedman, question on performance

I may have some of the terminology wrong, as well as the way the song is to be titled, but please bare with this non-musician, while I try to explain what I am looking for.

Recently my 17 yr old son, a junior in high school, played one of Mr. Friedman’s songs, Wind, a solo on the vibe at a percussion bash at our high school. I am assuming the name of the song is Wind. He said something about it being a movement in the book (?) Mirror from Another. I'm sure once you hear the song, you'll automatically know the name of it.

Forum Topic: Chamber music ala Reich...serious timing !!

I was checking, and I saw that podcast....I was amazed by the timing of this duet "Meehan/Perkins Duo"!
Of course you can notice the phasing process resolving on another note of a sequence was done already in S.Reich's Drumming and Piano Phase...

here are the direct links to the video :

Forum Topic: Perplexity... ;-)

Behind the title, comes a version of Beirut from Steps Ahead, in a 2008 Line-up.

I really love the hardcore (?) version of the head, I really dig the attitude and sound of the guitarist ;-) (I saw him in Paris june 2008) I was waiting all the tune for a rip off rock solo...
what do you think of this version ?
I think this DVD is very valuable... I haven't seen it yet in Fance.

Forum Topic: Marciac, thank you

here is another FANTASTIC video of Gary Burton and Chick Corea, playing La Fiesta in Marciac.
Marciac is a town in the south west of France, there is over there a great Jazz Festival.

check it out, and book your holidays ;-) the food is very tasty also over there !

Maybe Mr Burton have some insights to share about this festival ?

Forum Topic: 70's Funk Tunes featuring vibes

I thought of two tunes from the early 70's which feature vibes fairly prominently. The first is a one hit wonder by a singer/songwriter/guitarist named William DeVaughn entitled, "Be Thankful For What You Got." I had heard it driving to a gig last week on WXPN's "Funky Friday" program. I remember it from high school. One of the lyrics: "Diamond in the back / sunroof top / digging the scene with a gangster lean" became a catchphrase and appeared in numerous rap/hip hop records of the '90s. DeVaughn, a Washington, D.C.