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Basic Voicings

This is likely to be old news for most on the site but hopefully helpful for those who haven't worked through these yet. I don't think I mentioned very clearly that you can replace the fifth of each voicing with the 6th for more color or variation.

Rhythm Changes - Our New TOTM

Man, it's the end of the semester here. I'm working my ass off between gigs, students, classes and setting up my summer.

Musicians HAVE to think at least one season ahead. It's spring and if it isn't happening it probably won't. Get to summer. I bet the heavy cats are thinking 2 seasons or a year ahead. OK.

Anyway, let me officially announce we are working on Rhythm changes now. This is our tune of the month, officially.

So, why don't you guys blog about rhythm changes. What do you want to know? What do you think about??