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Anything missing here? Any good ideas for us?

Forum Topic: Publishing my arrangements

When the Covid pandemic started I began a project to create a book of arrangements for solo vibraphone.  Although I have a closet full of music books I've never published my own.  I'm on the last piece in the collection and starting to look for info on how to get it published.  After looking at many videos online about copyright I understand that part but none of that information goes in the further direction of how to actually get from my music stand to a publisher.


Forum Topic: Vibraphone papers- escritos del vibes

Hey everyone! I'm writing my thesis on the versatility of the vibraphone in different genres, including that with it's short evolution in the past 100 years. Could you please recommend me some papers/forums/videos to get started on my bibliography? Thank you so much! Any info is appreciated because I'm still shaping the idea in my mind.


Forum Topic: Tony (and anyone) you should read this!

Tony knows I keep talking about the pianist Ethan Iverson and his stuff. I just wanted to put a link to his blog he has, because it is an enormous wealth of historical and theoretical information that I find very accessible (and applicable to vibraphone). The link I attached is a collection of some miscellaneous information Ethan wrote up for his students at NEC. Specifically check out his series of reharmonizations of "All the Things You Are" about 2/3 down the page (there's a playback button under the sheet music). It's a cool way to think and practice!


Forum Topic: Suggestion to All who Upload Videos

I have a suggestion for all the contributors to vibes who contribute videos or audio files.

It would be very helpful if when posting the introductory description, contributors added a footer sentence that describes the equipment, mics, etc. used to do the recording. That would help many people - like me - who are trying to get set up with a similar capability.


Forum Topic: Development of a mallet classification unit

Due to the massive semester shifts caused by Covid 19, I can no longer realize the planned industrial development project with my (mechanical engineer) students this semester. Therefore, I have to prepare an own development project.


I would like to have the students develop a classification unit for vibraphone and marimba mallets.



Forum Topic: Learning Tunes Efficiently and Tracking Progress

So right now the majority of my practice is preparing for my grad audition in the upcoming year. At one school I am planning on auditioning at the requires you to prepare and memorize a list of 23 tunes. What is nice about this challenge is that it has forced me to develop a practice system that encourages me to learn and review tunes quickly, efficiently. One of the main ideas that every great teacher says in regards to practicing is to have goals and track your progress. I have tried the practice journal so many times and have failed just as many.


Forum Topic: High Bit-rate Vibe downloads?


Have you ever thought about offing high bit-rate downloads? I buy stuff off of HDtracks from time to time because I have some audio equipment that can take advantage files that are better than CD.

It would be way cool if we could (for a fee) get some DSD or high bit-rate recordings. I assume you, Gary, Joe, Ed, etc. have access to those files. I just bought David's "weaving through motion " and it sounds great in 24 bits. I'd rather channel the $$ though VW for sure.

Granted such things are easier said than done, but it would be way cool.



Forum Topic: Let's Envision A Dissertation Topic...

Greetings VibesWorkshop!

As some of you know, I’m currently knee-deep in year two of a 5-year doctoral program in Ethnomusicology (sometimes defined as the anthropology of music). I’m getting close to the time when I should have an idea for my dissertation…and I don’t have a research project. That’s where you come in!


Forum Topic: How to transport a vibraphone over stairs without help in assembled state?

Normally I transport my vibraphone in a car in assembled state. To get it out of the cellar over a stair without a second person I developed a transportation system consisting of an axis and 2 big wheels of a wheel chair. With this big wheels it's no problem to pull the vibraphone over the stairs. The stairs to my cellar are really tight, but with system it's much easier and safer than two persons carrying the vibraphone:

Video of Usage:
