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I found this video, "Improvisation Using Simple Melodic Embellishment," a jazz clinic given at the 2012 NYSSMA conference by Mike Titlebaum, director of jazz studies at Ithaca College.

I thought it was really good...a practical approach to something that is of course a bugger for me - creating melodic improvised "lines"...

He reinforced a lot of what I have heard Tony say. In fact, at about 38min in....he talks about Lee Konitz and how one of his favorite things to do is play a melody over and over again, and then see if he could improvise an interesting line with nothing more than whole notes...something Tony has said more than once. And then follow it with half note and then eventually quarter notes.

He reinforced the idea of "composing" as a path toward improvisation, a basic concept that David and Tony reinforced during the workshop in Phila.

Anyway, thought I'd share...