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Here's the more philosophical stuff.

Inexpensive way to improve the sound on video recordings

All consumer video recorders, or camcorders, produce good to excellent video, but usually terrible audio. I have an inexpensive Kodak Zi8 camera, which has an external mic-in port. I can get sort of ok audio when I use a good condenser mic plugged into the camera, but I've been hunting for an inexpensive way to improve that even more.

Master musician Jim Hall passed

Just saw that guitarist Jim Hall passed away. Very sad. A master guitarist that played with musicality, subtlety, nuance, taste, understatement, clarity,...the list goes on. Many guitarists revered Jim Hall. I would like to add that although I didn't know Jim, he seemed like a real gentleman and beautiful person. Gary, maybe we could get your thoughts about Jim since you knew him and recorded with him? Thanks, Ed

Skype Lesson - A great experience by Dimitris Angelakis

I had this amazing skype lessons with Carolyn and Badu. The great thing about it is that people from all over the world can comunicate and share their interests and questions. Ofcorse Tony is a great teacher since he sees everyone as a different personality. Having that in mind it not just a chat but a real expirience of practising and learning. He also put assigments to each one. I have to practise How deep in 12 keys. It really gives you a motive to learn and practise more and more stuff.

Music and the Brain - Rhythm - Jessica Grahn

Hi everyone,

This is a recent video from Jay Ingram's show, in which Dr. Jessica Grahn talks about brain and music, particularly rhythm perception. I thought you guys would be interested.

I m doing similar stuff in my research. I know Jessica personally, although don t work directly with her.

Enjoy ! If you have questions... ;=)



I made a CD, now what?

So I've almost finished producing a CD, now what do I do?

  • Put it on CD Baby? And have them upload it to iTunes, etc.?
  • Put it on Spotify?
  • Have free downloads? All tunes or just some?
  • Sell it at gigs -- but for how much?
  • Put it on YouTube? All tunes or just some?
  • Other things?
  • I have no delusions of grandeur here, but I do want it to be "out there" and available. Our major goals in producing this CD were to expand our musical capabilities (already accomplished :-)), and maybe get more/better gigs.

    Behn Gillece Update

    Hi all,

    I'm sitting here on Monday afternoon, completely shattered from a weekend of rehearsals, paired with doubles on gigs. Needless to say, I don't feel like doing much, but I had some thoughts and observations lately that I wanted to share.

    First of all, I would like to make more of a habit of sharing some experiences that may be interesting to people. I feel like I'm posting lessons, and not creating room for discussion enough; I promise I'll do a better job at that, haha!

    Tom Harrell discusses the healing power of music

    This is heavy stuff. If you don't know, Tom Harrell is schizophrenic. And as you can tell, it is to a serious debilitating degree. For him to overcome that and alcoholism, and continue to make music at the level he does is nothing short of incredible. This interview shows an incredibly deep and introspective side of a man who has suffered a lot. Even as a schizophrenic, I find the problems he describes going through resonated heavily with me because of my own experiences, and I'm sure many people feel the same way. Tom Harrell is one heavy guy.

    Do you know that tune!?

    So as you guys know, I just moved to Philly! It was a rough start getting here (the moving company I used sucked @$$), but all is great now! I love this city, I am so happy to be here. I had dinner with Tony tonight and I told him this story. He told me that I had to share it with you guys. I laughed and agreed it would be a good one to let everyone in on. This is not made up, this really happened to me...

    We are all ambassadors of the vibes by Dimitris Angelakis

    Hey guys,

    I want to share some thoughts with you. I recently did a gig outside of Thessaloniki with a quintet. Before even the gig start, a guy from the audience comes to me and said:
    guy: I have watched you before playing the vibes
    me: really, when?
    guy: several months ago. I really liked your performance
    me: thanks a lot, just trying to play music for you guys
    guy: you do a great job. Actually you are the reason that we started to love this instrument!